A January Reset: Preparing for A Successful Second Act
As we transition from the holiday season back to the classroom, we're presented with an opportunity for a fresh start—a January RESET.
The hectic days leading up to December break may have caused our routines to slip or revealed areas needing attention.
This January, let's address these challenges and set the stage for a productive second half of the school year in our classrooms.
Here are FIVE practical tips to guide you through a successful January RESET:
1. Revisit & Revise Routines:
Let's start by revisiting our classroom routines. Are they still working, or do they need some updates?
Personally, I've had to rethink how students enter and leave my classroom due to some room-sharing this year. Maybe you've encountered similar challenges.
Include your students in the conversation and make any necessary tweaks to ensure these routines are effective.
Make these routines visible to students, whether it's through a slide deck, on chart paper, or posted on your school's LMS.
Remember to practice these routines again, and again, and again . . .
2. Seating Switch-Up
If you use assigned seats, January is a great time for a fresh seating chart. Consider the dynamics of your classroom and which student personalities work best together.
And if you've implemented flexible seating, take a moment to reflect on any policy updates that may be necessary. Are students using the flexible seating responsibly and productively?
If you use groups, consider giving students time to establish group roles, using a fun team-building activity. And if you rotate classroom jobs, this is an excellent time to do it.
3. Let Late Work Go:
If your school policy allows, consider letting go of some of the late work from before the holidays.
It's a new start, and dwelling on past assignments can weigh you and your students down. Unless it's absolutely essential, focus on moving forward rather than looking back.
If you're halfway into a grading term like I am, consider hosting a "Ketchup & Pickles" day where students can "catch up" on anything overdue, or "pick" from a list of options for enrichment.
After that, let last year's assignments go!
4. Planning and Organization:
Use this time to get organized with your lesson planning. Review your curriculum and make adjustments if necessary.
Ensure that you have a clear plan for the upcoming weeks because the second half of the school year moves fast.
If you need a solid planning tool for teaching multiple subjects, check out this organized teacher planning set.
Don't forget to plan ahead for assemblies, holidays, standardized tests, field trips, trainings . . .
5. Talk About Goal Setting With Your Students:
January is an excellent time not only to reset our classroom but also to guide our students in reflecting and resetting as well.
If you teach middle or high school, remember that your students are in a phase of development where they are beginning to grasp goal-oriented behavior (their pre-frontal cortexes are "under construction"), so it's helpful to remind them that working toward your goals really DOES pay off.
Encourage your students to think about what they want to achieve this year and how it connects to their future aspirations. Remind them to think about the steps needed in-between.
Our Science of Goal Setting pack sheds light on how the brain responds when we set (and achieve!) our goals.
January offers the ideal chance for a Classroom RESET.
R - Revisit Routines
E - Environment & Seating
S - Say "Goodbye" to Late Work
E - Efficient Planning & Organization
T - Teach Goal Setting
By reevaluating routines, refreshing your classroom's layout, and placing emphasis on goal setting, you'll be on your way to resetting and fostering a positive learning environment for the rest of the school year.
Wishing you a successful second act of the school year!
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Learn More: Weekly Lesson Planning Template
Stay on top of everything!
Learn More: Science of Goal Setting for Middle & High School
Help students understand how and why Goal Setting works.
Learn More: Cup Tower Challenge Lesson Pack
A fun activity for resetting team work expectations.
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
—Oprah Winfrey.